The Clan Lockhart arrived in Scotland among the waves of Normans who arrived after the Norman invasion of England in 1066. The Lockharts settled in Lanark and Ayrshire where the towns of Symington and Stevenson remain to mark the past influence of Simon and Steven Locard. The exact date when the lands of Lee came into the family is not known, but 1272 is traditionally accepted.
Symon (Second of Lee) won fame for himself and his family in the wars against the English when he fought alongside King Robert the Bruce and was knighted for his loyal service. Simon Lockhart the 2nd of Lee accompanied 'Good Sir James Douglas' of the Clan Douglas when he took the heart of Robert the Bruce on the crusades in 1330. It was Simon lockhart who carried the key to the casket in which the heart was carried. Simon rescued the casket and heart and returned it to Scotland after James Douglas had been killed in spain. It is said, the arms of a 'heart within a fetterlock', and the name in its present form came into use.
During the crusades of the 14th century the Lockharts brought back a precious heirloom which has been treasured ever since. It is known as the "Lee Penny". At the Battle of Teba in Spain, Sir Simon Lockhart captured a Moorish Emir and received from the man's mother as part of his ransom an amulet or stone with healing powers. The Prince's mother told Sir Simon that the stone was a sovereign remedy against bleeding and fever, the bite of a mad dog, and sickness in horses and cattle. The stone is dark red in colour and triangular in shape and was later set in a silver coin which has now been identified as a four penny peice from the reign of King Edward IV. The Lee Penny is kept in a gold snuffbox which was a gift from Maria Theresa, Empress of Austria to her general Count James Lockhart in 1789. The fame of the Lee Penny spread through Scotland and Northern England and there are many recorded occasions when it was employed with apparent success.
Tartan Lockhart Clan

Les Lockharts ont pour devise d'ouvrir les coeurs fermés.
C'est une longue lignée qui remonte à Robert Bruce, le premier Roi d'Écosse dont le coeur devint l'emblème du chevalier dont les descendants passèrent par la Louisiane pour s'établir à Cherbourg en Normandie au 19ème siècle après avoir été banni de la famille pour avoir épousé une catholique.
Je suis Jean-Baptiste le fils Cadet de Louise fille de Jaques et Jaqueline que nous appelions tendrement Mamine et Bonpapa et qui nous ont réunis par l'esprit à l'occasion de nos premières cousinandes magistralement réussies lors du week-end de Pâques 2011 à Saint-Cast notre port d'attache.
1ère Cousinade Lockhart
Saint Cast Pâques 2011
Mes Grands Parents Maternels
Mamine & Bonpapa
(Jaques & Jaqueline Lockhart)
Louise Lockhart
Maman Christophe & moi
Mon Frère Christophe et moi pour les 60 ans de Maman
How dream becomes reality when held up by visionary artists !!! Thanks to U2 !!! From a little frenchy or froggy if you wish who descend from scots who immigrated to America and espacially from one Lockhart who had to get shelter in France to marry a Catholic Lady in the 19th century !!! History can be blind sometimes !!! john Bartist Lockhart Michaut - jblm 9/10/2013
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U2 play Pride and City Of Blinding Lights live in Washington at Obama Concert