Knowing Operative Zone for Independant Wisdom Movement (KOZ 4 IWM)

by Jean-Baptiste Lockhart Michaut alias jbTrendy & Ex jeanTox

dimanche 6 avril 2014

Our man in Pac weighs in on March 22 LRH Birthday Event !!!

We have many, many people that slide us information under the table. This tale comes from a source calling himself Stupa Pupa.

I’ve interspersed my own comments along with his report.

March 22 Shrine Event in Pacifica area

The Shrine Birthday event was about 50% full.
The Shrine seats 5946. So the obvious conclusion is that only 3000 attendees were at the event. Some “biggest ever”.
Many people were not standing to clap at ach opportunity. (Actually it is good to stretch.)
The enthusiasm for Miscavige’s serial lying seems to be fading.
The LRH stories were pretty minor.
Wait! Could that mean that Dan Sherman’s ability to embellish is fading? Or did Sherman receive orders from Miscavige to not tell lies in his presentation?
Regging was pretty mild afterward. Mostly with trying to get people on services.
Could it be that someone is getting sensitive to public opinion about regging…er, sorry, public HE&R…about regging?
The food was good. There was tons of food left over, probably because fewer people attended than they were expecting.
I remember in the late ’80s that thinking you were going to a Scientology event at the Shrine in order to get something to eat was a big mistake. There never, ever was enough “finger food”, and you wasted most of the post-event side-hall time standing in line for more of the tidbits to arrive.
There was enough birthday cake to feed the herd of people who did not show up.
Most startling was the low number of Birthday Game points for the South African orgs! (Like 900 for the 2nd and 3rd place orgs) Not a surprise to me, but it was amazing that they showed them!
We know that the South Africans were set upon by Sea Org Missionaires who declared everything that moved. It’s unclear if the mass declares allowed the stats to recover. But if you believe LRH in past years, and the Scientology Handbook in recent years,  52.6% of people got into Scientology through recommendation of a friend or relative.
If you watch your friends and what impressed you as successful long-term stable Scientologists getting declared SP and having to disconnect because they shared their opinion about the abuses handed out by Miscavige, the likelihood of recommending that a friend or relative come into the “church” is nil. Zero. Zip. Nada.
900 points still isn’t really chump change. It means you have to have an average of 17 Birthday Game points a week in order to make 900 points.
But in 2006, the international winning Mission accumulated 1835 BD game points. That same year, the second-place Class V Org totaled 2514 points.
That should give you a basis to compare the report from 2014 to previous years.
As usual, the French guy announced the results. (No title)
I figure that since the nominal international senior executive of Scientology Inc is ED Int Guillaume Lesevre, a French guy who is hauled out from The Hole annually to create the appearance that Scientology Inc has a “management team”, that’s who’s being described.
I observed what may be the clue to the false reports about attendance by the church. The couple in front of me handed in 4 tickets to have the stubs torn off. But they were only 2 people. I know there are many tickets handed out to people who don’t go. But this is the first time I saw extra tickets turned in. The staff that count the stubs can honestly report the attendance based on the stub count. But no one really counts the people.
In the early ’90s it was someone’s bright idea to compare the ticket stubs against the “confirms”. Then, for everyone who confirmed but didn’t show up…presumably based on the lack of a ticket stub…the person was written a KR by someone in the Int Event office.
It went even further. Scientology companies in the Pac area were given the list of noncompliant no-shows and were hauled into the Ethics Officer at work to get handled.
It seems like some people have figured out how to keep from getting KRd or hauled into a church or company Ethics office. Have someone turn in your ticket stubs for you. It’s kinda like having someone punch your timecard for you.
There are so many staff, maybe half the attendees. All my Sea Org friends were dressed in civvies.
Reports from recent escapee Jillian Schlesinger indicate that there’s about 2000 Sea Org members in the Pac area. There’s also five orgs in Pac. At about 60 staff (day and foundation) in each, that’s another 300.
There’s also five missions at about 6 staff each for 30. So by factoring in “mandatory staff attendance” we arrive at a figure of 2330 out of the 3000 attendees were staff and crew. So only 670 attendees were public.
That’s pretty embarrassing for the “fastest expanding church on earth”. Especially in Los Angeles, which the “church” used to boast that it had the largest concentration of Scientologists on Earth.
Other PAC news is that everybody has been removed from the SHSBC. Those students were sent to do the Student Hat and new TRs & Metering courses. One person I know said “That’s it” and he is not going to go back to start over. He used his money on account to buy a new meter to use as he is currently on OT7.
Maybe he hadn’t heard, but the OT VIIs were all herded to reges to buy new meters, new Purifs, Survival Rundown, GAT II Solo Auditor Course, and cramming with Word Clearers to make sure they hadn’t gone by any MUs in their enforced study of Miscavige’s GAK. He’s not going to dodge much of a bullet if he intends to stay on OT VII.
— Stupa Pupa

More signs of Scientology collapse
Mike Rinder shared a stunning e-mail at his blog yesterday, and we wanted to make sure you saw it. Here’s proof not only of how tiny Scientology really is — that in the place supposedly with the greatest concentration of Scientologists in the world, Los Angeles, there are only 700 members at the two highest levels of advancement, OT 7 and OT 8 — but that almost all of those people are ignoring or deleting the e-mails they’re receiving from the church…
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2014
From: Claire Taylor 

Subject: It’s not okay to ignore or delete this comm

The number of OT VIIs and VIIIs confirmed for Mr. Rabey and Cal Cole’s OT Convention at 3:30 on Saturday is NOT representative of the 700+ people in this status here in LA. Matter of fact we have confirmed around 50 people.
It certainly isn’t a lack of comm going out about this. The majority of OT VIIs and VIIIs are on “ignore” or “delete” and not responding. Please decide not to be part of the group of non responders!
We all know how much Mr. Rabey has contributed to us getting on and /or through the level. He is asking for our support. Please! Communicate and confirm or explain why you can’t be there. Thanks to those who have replied!
If you can only stay from 3:30 to 5:30 then so be it. But PLEASE reply.

The tone of this e-mail is shocking, and along with so many other things we’ve seen, we are increasingly convinced that church leader David Miscavige has a serious emergency on his hands.
Scientology is on life support, and it’s only masked by the dog and pony shows Miscavige can put on with his vast cash reserves.
For more evidence of crashing stats, check out this account at Plain Old Thetan’s blog, Possibly Helpful Advice, of the anemic crowd size at the LRH Birthday event in Los Angeles last month.

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