Knowing Operative Zone for Independant Wisdom Movement (KOZ 4 IWM)

by Jean-Baptiste Lockhart Michaut alias jbTrendy & Ex jeanTox

mercredi 30 avril 2014

What's really stalling the Israel-Palestinian peace process !!!

Call it the victim barrier: To achieve peace, both sides will have to put aside the past.

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Benjamin Netanyahu
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu chairs the weekly cabinet meeting in his office in Jerusalem. (Gali Tibbon / Associated Press / April 6, 2014)

  • Israel's decision to pull out of the current round of U.S.-brokered peace talks with the Palestinians makes one thing clear. If Secretary of State John F. Kerry is going to be successful in his heroic effort to force peace on these stubborn belligerents, he will have to overcome an obstacle that is much deeper and challenging than Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's hardball negotiating tactics.
The biggest impediment to a lasting peace settlement between the Israelis and Palestinians is not terrorism, borders, settlements, recognition, refugees or any other issue that can be discussed rationally at a negotiating table. The real problem is psychological, and nearly immune to bargaining.
The Israeli-Palestinian dispute is unique in recent history in that it concerns two peoples who both harbor a deep, abiding, justifiable narrative of victimhood at the center of their cultural identities. There are no precedents to help us predict whether reason can overcome such powerful, mutual pathology.
Victims operate under a different set of rules than the rest of us do. History has ceded to them the moral high ground, which makes their excesses understandable, even excusable. Outsiders tend to sympathize with the actions of those who have been victimized. What they do can seem terrible, certainly, but it is often justified once put in proper context. Victimhood can even become a source of pride, a unifying element to a society that members can draw upon for inspiration, and liberation from the standard rules of moral behavior.
Most of all, victims rarely feel the need to compromise. They have suffered enough already, and are tired of being bullied. Their days of making concessions to evil are over.
For very good reasons, both the Israelis and Palestinians consider themselves to be history's victims. Those who try to engage partisans from either side in conversation quickly find out that in this region, as Faulkner wrote about his fictional Yoknapatawpha County, "the past is never dead. It's not even past."
Israelis have suffered through millenniums of oppression, climaxing in pogroms and the Holocaust. More recently, they have had to deal with incessant Palestinian terrorism and rocket fire. And the lesson they've taken from their history is that they cannot afford to take any threat lightly.
Palestinians discuss 1948 and 1967, the years in which their land was lost, as if they were yesterday. Refugee camps and horrid economic conditions have persisted across generations. Meanwhile, the people they blame for their present condition — the Israelis — are now building walls and settling more people on their lands. Palestinians can't understand how the Holocaust — which they had nothing to do with, after all — gives the Israelis an excuse to oppress them.
Rarely, if ever, have two opposing sides been able to make such compelling, convincing cases to support narratives of victimhood. Conversations between them inevitably deteriorate into contests over which group has suffered more, and therefore has a greater justification to feel wronged and occupy a superior moral position. Nothing infuriates the partisans in this dispute quite so much as when one of their own acknowledges the legitimacy of the suffering of the other side.
It is hard to see how lasting peace can emerge between people with such troubled identities. At the very least, nothing will change until leaders on both sides decide that the future is more important than the past. Such a notion is often sacrilege to victims, however, and a betrayal of the suffering of their ancestors.
Sometimes the passage of generations can serve to mitigate the perception of victimhood. This seems less likely in these cases, since the narrative is so central to both Israeli and Palestinian education. The Holocaust is a ubiquitous presence in Israeli schools, and there is a strong belief among Jewish leaders that only by keeping memories of the horror alive can we prevent a recurrence. Palestinian children too are reminded daily of their legacy of mistreatment at the hands of the occupier. Children on both sides are urged to remember always the wrongs committed against their parents and grandparents.
There will come a time when the sense of mutual victimhood will become permanent and peace an impossibility. Whether that time is now is unclear. After all, complex negotiations often need to be pronounced dead three or four times before they succeed.
But one truth should be emphasized to both sides: Peace in the region is the only way to create a better future for coming generations. Achieving such a peace won't require forgetting the past, but it will require putting it aside to craft a more just future for all the region's residents.
Christopher J. Fettweis is associate professor of political science at Tulane University in New Orleans. His latest book is "The Pathologies of Power: Fear, Honor, Glory and Hubris in U.S. Foreign Policy."

Roseanne Barr: “MK Ultra Rules In Hollywood” !!!


For those of you that don’t know, Roseanne Barr is a well known actress, comedian, writer, television producer and director. She has won several awards which include Emmy awards, Golden Globe awards, People’s Choice awards and more. She has been in the industry for over twenty years and has gained much respect from many of her Hollywood colleagues who she is now speaking on behalf of. I just want to make it clear how long she has been inside the industry, and the connections she has to others within it. Industry insiders are feeling the need to share inspirational words and food for thought to the millions of people that pay attention to them as of late. We saw this recently with Ashton Kutcher. Celebrities have a voice that can reach a large sum of people, they can be a threat to corporate interests and the controlling elite and as Roseanne states, many celebrities bite their tongue and live in a culture of fear.
Not long ago, Roseanne made some shocking statements, alluding that Hollywood and the entertainment industry is dominated by MK Ultra. MK Ultra was the name for a previously classified research program through the CIA’s scientific intelligence division. It was the CIA’s program of research in behavioral modification and perception manipulation of human beings (1). It was previously known as Operation Paperclip (2). Roseanne is suggesting that Hollywood is a tool used in the manipulation of human consciousness, used as a tool for behavior modification and perception control  in human beings.
Hollywood is the one that keeps all of this power structure. They perpetuate the culture of racism, sexism, classism, genderism and keep it all in place. They continue to feed it, and they make a lot of money doing it. They do it at the behest of their masters, who run everything.
I speak on behalf of Hollywood. I go to parties, Oscar parties and things like that and big stars pull me aside, take my arm and whisper: “I just want to thank you for the things you say.” And it blows my mind, but that’s the culture, it’s a culture of fear.
It’s a big culture of mind control, MK Ultra rules in Hollywood

The CIA and Hollywood

It’s funny that ancient Druid ‘wizards’ and ‘magicians’ used to make their wands specific for casting spells from the Holly Wood tree. Maybe “Hollywood” is used to cast spells on the masses, because at the very least it can sure seem that way. Everything we do is so systematic, so robotic in nature. We go to school, get a job, have a family and chase materialistic gains only to find out that it is not what our soul truly desires. We are told what to wear, what’s popular, what to buy, what truth is and how life is through television. It keeps us occupied, ignorant and blind to what is really happening on our planet.
Roseanne’s public remark that the CIA’s MK Ultra program rules in Hollywood is an educated statement, and not just an opinion. It comes from her own experiences within the industry as well as an awareness of known facts about the CIA and their involvement in Hollywood -all of which also happen to be available to the public. It’s not hard to see how television and mass advertising can be used as mind control, basically shaping the perception of the individual, as well as displaying what each individual should “be” like, what type of life to chase and what it means to be successful. Given Roseanne’s statement, as well as the information we already have in the public domain, it’s safe to say that something fishy is going on in Hollywood. Ask yourself, are your wants really yours? Or have they been programmed into you since birth?
Not many people know this, but the CIA has an entire department dedicated to the entertainment industry. It’s run through the CIA’s Entertainment Industry Liaison Office (3), which collaborates in a strictly advisory capacity with filmmakers. The CIA doesn’t just offer guidance to filmmakers, it even offers money. In 1950, the agency bought the rights to George Orwell’s Animal Farm, and then funded the 1954 British animated version of the film. Its involvement had long been rumored, but only in the past decade have those rumors been substantiated. The link between Hollywood and the CIA isn’t something new, and Roseanne isn’t just blurting out information that has no backing behind it.
The CIA also had a project called Mockingbird, in which the CIA infiltrated mass media outlets in order to sway public opinion.After leaving The Washington Post in 1977, Carl Bernstein spent six months looking at the relationship of the CIA and the press during the Cold War years. His 25,000 word cover story that was published in Rolling Stone in the late 70′s can be readhere.
With this article I wanted to present a small amount of information to give you, the readers, some background on these programs within the department of defense. Making the connection between these programs and Hollywood isn’t hard. Using Hollywood as a mind control hub can easily be labelled as a conspiracy to many, but I believe that labeling can only come about when one fails to actually look into it.
Hopefully this tidbit of information provides some backing for Roseanne’s claims, along with her experience within the industry. If you want to look more into the CIA’s influence in Hollywood, MK Ultra and Project Mockingbird are a good place to start. Brave souls like Roseanne speaking out is simply helping the masses shed light on these long-existent programs. Individuals within the entertainment industry are simply used as tools for mind control. We are programmed to worship them, praise them and be like them. These “stars” are used as puppets to serve a greater agenda. Let’s not forget that Hollywood (entertainment industry) is owned (shareholders) by the same corporations and financial institutions that own the energy, health and food industry.  Institutions like Fidelity Investments, the Vanguard group and the State Street Corporation. They own Disney and the major corporations that govern Hollywood, they also own Big Oil, Big Food and Big Pharma! (4)(5) (6).
The connections are endless, and if you do the research, it’s not hard to see. Nothing is really hidden, it’s not a conspiracy.
It’s good to see the world waking up everyday. We are recognizing that peace between all is what really makes the most sense. Peace and love is the necessary core to re-creating our reality, awakening to the truth about our planet and who we give our power away to on a daily basis is a step for some people to arrive at a greater conclusion. The truth is, we are required to sustain the current system, therefore we can choose to change it at anytime.

mardi 29 avril 2014

Black Scientology: The Brainwashing Manual !!!

Why are Staff Yelled at? Why the Long Working Hours? Why the Obsession with Overts? Why the Constant Ethics Handlings? Why KSW? Why RPF? Why Divorce & Abortion? Why Scn. New Words & Definitions? Why Sec. Checks?

Still haven't fully regained your sense of self after Scn.?

Read on and discover....

"Messiah or Madman? - The Brainwashing Manual" by Bent Corydon

This is an excerpt (chapter 9) from Bent Corydon's book L. Ron Hubbard - Messiah or Madman.

Chapter 9. The Brainwashing Manual

In my opinion psychiatry has been guilty of abusive practices — for example, brain mutilation and pre-frontal lobotomy, and also electro-convulsive shock "therapy." In the Soviet Union, where human rights are for all practical purposes nonexistent — or, more exactly, existent to the extent they serve the well-being of the State — opportunity for psychiatric abuse is virtually unlimited. It's well known that the policy "disagree with the State and you're mentally ill" is often used to quiet dissidents. The Church of Scientology has an identical policy. To be a critic of the Church or its Founder is to be insane. Simple as that. To be unswervingly delighted with every word that L. Ron Hubbard ever uttered or wrote, and to be pleased as can be with the actions and policies of the Church hierarchy — well, this means you must be quite sane indeed!


The Church of Scientology is truly a fulfillment of Orwell's 1984. That it has gained such support among Americans is testimony to the unawareness of so many who don't want to hear about the accounts of Soviet dissidents such as Soltzhenitzin and others. Life in the Sea Organization is parallel to living behind the iron curtain. The types of censorship that are imposed on Sea Org members, the selective truth, the priorities and the emphasis on "the group above all" under the guise of "the greatest good for the greatest number" so closely parallel Communism.
In 1976 I was ordered to go to Paris to receive an honor on behalf of LRH as a writer. At the same place there was a showing of some paintings by a Soviet dissident, who had recently come over to the West. I had a series of meetings with him and some other dissidents. That was the first time I realized the degree to which I was intellectually disaffected with the Sea Org, yet for various reasons I stayed on for some time. I began to understand this man's life and why he was exiled to Siberia. It all sounded so similar to LRH's Rehabilitation Project Force. And I really realized the degree to which my lifestyle was parallel to what theirs had been in Russia.

After hearing Elena's story, I began searching through Hubbard's writings and other Church (and Church-sponsored) publications with the purpose of gaining a greater understanding of what he was really doing on the flagship (and, to a slightly lesser extent, in his land based organizations). I came across a little known but very revealing text: The Brainwashing Manual. A little research brought to light that it had first appeared in 1955. The propaganda line on it (originating from Hubbard) was that it was found on the doorstep. Some concerned somebody had "slipped it under the door of a Scientology org." It consisted, according to the manual's foreword, of a transcribed lecture by the dreaded Beria, head of Stalin's Secret Police, given to students of psychopolitics at Leningrad University around 1950. Thereafter it was used as a textbook on how to wage psychological warfare on Western democracies. This psychological assault was to be followed by an eventual takeover of the West. This takeover would be achieved by first taking over the psychiatric professions, and the psychiatric and mental health organizations. Supposedly, this step was already well under way. The message was that psychiatry is solely a commie operation. Hubbard had long wanted control of the field of "mental health," and anything he could do to spoil the image of a competitor (in this case psychiatry) was a worthwhile action. (The manual was later actually being distributed by such groups as the John Birch Society — who believed wrongly that it was indeed a transcribed lecture by Beria.)


Dad wrote every word of it. Barbara Bryan and my wife typed the manuscript off his dictation. And then we took it up to New York and tried to get them to do a program on it with Charles Collingwood at CBS. Dad also tried to sell it to the FBI. Years later they snuck it into the Library of Congress, and somebody else came by and said, "Oh lookee, it was found in the Library of Congress!" which is a lot of baloney.
Of course, in the book Hubbard plugs Dianetics by having "Beria" mention Dianetics as a key target of "Russian psychopolitics." "Beria" calls Dianetics a threat to "his" program of implementing "Russian" psychopolitical brainwashing techniques to undermine the West.


The psychopolitical operative should also spare no expense in smashing out of existence, by whatever means, any actual healing group, such as that of acupuncture in China, such as Christian Science and Dianetics in the United States; such as Catholicism in Italy and Spain; and the practical psychology groups of England.

If you want to see how LRH really worked things org-wise, especially from the mid-sixties on, you just have to read the brainwashing manual.
John Sanborne, who had been the editor of Hubbard's books since the early fifties, was there in 1955 at the manual's inception:

I suggested it. Just kidding around on his front porch. Slygo Avenue in Silver Springs, Maryland. Talking about how are we going to get these psychiatrists. I said, "What we need to do is take over their subject. What we need to put out is a manual of psych-military something or coming from the communists and then put a lot of psychiatry in it." And we're sitting there, with our chairs tipped back on the front porch, tipped against the house, with our feet up on the railing, and all of a sudden he came down on his chair and he grabs me. And I thought, "I've had it!" And he said, "That's it!" Then he disappeared into the little front room which was sort of a bedroom and study, and you could hear him in there dictating this book.
The brainwashing techniques revealed in the manual reflect a startling similarity with the control mechanisms so apparent on the flagship and in Scientology orgs. However, having been out of print for well over twenty years, its existence is unknown to most Scientologists. From Brian Ambry's critique on Scientology:

While "white Scientology" (techniques and data which have the potential to assist an individual to become more independent and self-determined) is promoted by the Church as the Entirety of the subject, there is also a dark side to Scientology. A dark side which makes individuals permanently dependent upon the Church, and, instead of self-determined, "Ron-determined...." The marriage of potentially liberating methodologies with enslaving ones, the mixing of truth with lies, and love with hate: that is the strange story of L. Ron Hubbard and his Church.[1] Hubbard was a "user." He used freedom. He used goodness. Helping others feel better, understand more, communicate better — this was all fine, so long as he considered that it increased his power. He helped others so as to own them; to create gratitude and trust and give himself authority or "altitude." He set up people to be manipulated by first assisting them to feel better to have "wins" and so forth.
There are those who insist that all "gains" and "wins" in Scientology are delusory — that all the counseling is brainwashing. That's nonsense. The trap is much more sophisticated than that. He was a man of many methods.

The following material, written by Hubbard, was presented as from a speech by the murderous Beria. All bracketed words in the following quotes have been inserted by me as an illustration of how the techniques described can be applied exactly to what was occurring aboard the ship under Hubbard's command, and emulated in his many organizations. From the Brainwashing Manual (Hubbard/"Beria"):

The populace [Scientologists] must be brought into the belief that every individual within it who rebels in any way, shape, or form against efforts or activities to enslave [Scientologize] the whole, must be considered to be a deranged person whose eccentricities are neurotic or insane...
Labelling any dissident "psychotic" is commonplace in Scientology. This is mandated by Hubbard's written policies. For instance in his Introduction to Scientology Ethics, written in 1966, Hubbard states under the category of "suppressive acts" (i.e., "high crimes" against Scientology):


1. Public disavowal of Scientology or Scientologists in good standing with Scientology Organizations.

2. Announcing departure from Scientology...

3. Seeking to resign or leave courses or sessions and refusing to return despite normal ebrts...

8. Dependency on mental or philosophic procedures other than Scientology...

To commit any of the above (or dozens of other similar) "high crimes" is to be, per Scientology "ethics," a "suppressive person", and to officially be announced in a "declare" as such. To a Scientologist any one "declared S.P." is immediately and unquestioningly considered insane. Of these "suppressive persons" Hubbard wrote in the book Science of Survival: "Such people should be taken from society as rapidly as possible and uniformly institutionalized...."


Entirely by bringing about public conviction that the sanity of a person is in question, it is possible to discount and eradicate all the goals and activities of that person. It is important to know that the entire subject of loyalty is thus as easily handled as it is. One of the first and foremost missions of the psychopolitician ["Ethics" Officer, Church of Scientology] is to make an attack upon communism [Scientology] and insanity synonymous.
On a radio show in Portland, Oregon, I was described in 1985 by Los Angeles Church of Scientology president Ken Hoden as "a lone psychotic screaming into the wind"[2]


No laymen [Scientologists] would dare adventure to place judgment upon the state of sanity of an individual whom the psychiatrist [Church of Scientology] has already declared insane [S.P.]. Should any whisper, or pamphlets, against psychopolitical activities [Scientology] be published, it should be laughed into scorn, branded an immediate hoax, and its perpetrator or publisher should be, at the first opportunity, branded as insane...
(See Paulette Cooper story in Chapter 13. After she wrote an anti-Scientology book Hubbard's Guardian's Office initiated a near successful frame-up to have her institutionalized.) The idea that anyone who doesn't see eye to eye with Hubbard is insane goes back, really, to the very earliest days of Dianetics and Scientology. However, it wasn't made official written policy and the "standard ethics action" until one day in 1965. John Sanborn, recalls the first "S.P. Declare":

Hubbard had Marilyn Routsong, who was the World Wide Ethics Officer at St. Hill Manor, deliver the first Suppressive Person Declare. He had written this system up and now he was going to use it. Hubbard said declare so and so. And she put out the order. Boy, in those days being declared was like a death sentence. [It still is considered so for those still inside Scientology.[3]] He said, "As soon as you give him the order come back." And when she did he said, "How did he act? What did he say? Did he say anything?" And so forth. He was thrilled like a kid to see how his new dictatorial system was going to work!

Particularly in Capitalistic countries, an insane person has no rights under law. No person who is insane may hold property. No person who is insane may testify. Thus we have an excellent road along which we can travel toward our certain goal and destiny.
Wrote Hubbard in the book Science of Survival:

In any event, any person from 2.0 down on the tone scale should not have, in any thinking society, any civil rights of any kind... (Emphasis added)
(The Tone Scale is a scale of emotional states. See Part II, Chapter 2: those chronically below "2.0" are regarded as insane.) According to Hubbard a person's reaction to Scientology is a direct indicator of where they are on the "Tone Scale" — a negative reaction indicating LOU'. If this were the "Scientology Planet," so yearned for by the rank and file of the movement, allcritics of Hubbard and his Church would, by this standard, be without rights of any kind. Perhaps, if we were not exterminated, the Church, in its benevolence, might offer us a chance to make a "reality adjustment" in some rehabilitation camp.


It is not enough for the State [Sea Org/Scientology] to have goals. These goals, once put forward, depend for their completion upon the loyalty and obedience of the workers [Sea Org crew and staff members]. These engaged for the most part in hard labors, have little time for idle speculation, which is good." ...Hypnosis is induced by acute fear. They discovered it could also be induced by shock of an emotional nature, and also by extreme privation, as well as by blows...." Belief is engendered by a certain amount of fear and terror from an authoritative level, and this will be followed by obedience. The body is less able to resist a stimulus if it has insufficient food and is weary....Refusal to let them sleep over many days, denying them adequate food, then brings about an optimum state for the receipt of a stimulus. Degradation and conquest are companions. By lowering the endurance of a person...and by constant degradation and defamation, it is possible to induce, thus, a state of shock which will receive adequately any command given. Any organization which has the spirit and courage to display inhumanity, savageness, brutality, and uncompromising lack of humanity, will be obeyed. Such a use of force is, itself, the essential ingredient of greatness.... As an example of this, we find an individual refusing to obey and being struck. His refusal to obey is now less vociferous. He is struck again and his resistance is lessened once more. He is hammered and pounded again and again until, at length, his only thought is direct and implicit obedience to that person from whom the force has emanated. This is a proven principle....For it is to our benefit that an individual who is struck again and again from a certain source will, at length, hypnotically believe anything he is told by the source of the blows.... Only when a person has been beaten, punished, and mercilessly hammered can hypnotism on him be guaranteed in its effectiveness. The psychopolitical dupe [ideal Scientologist] is a well-trained individual who serves in complete obedience to the psychopolitical operative [L. Ron Hubbard or the Church hierarchy].... The cleverness of our attack in the field of psychopolitics [the human mind and spirit] is adequate to avoid the understanding of the layman and the usual stupid official [Scientologist and Scientology staff member], and by operating entirely under the banner of authority, with the oft-repeated statement that the principles of psychotherapy [the ever-present next mysterious upper level of auditing] are too devious for common understanding an entire revolution can be affected [the creation of obedient converts].... In rearranging loyalties we must have command of their values. In the animal the first loyalty is to himself. This is destroyed by demonstrating errors in him....The second loyalty is to his family unit.... This is lessening the value of marriage, by making an easiness of divorce and by raising the children whenever possible by the State. The next loyalty is to his friends and local environment. This is destroyed by lowering his trust and bringing about reportings upon him allegedly by his fellows or the town or village authorities.[4] The next is to the State [the Church of Scientology] and this, for the purposes of Communism[5] [Scientology] is the only loyalty [sic] which should exist...

In Scientology Organizations "Parent time" is a short period of an hour or so per day for the parents to visit with their children, if their "statistics are up." Children are otherwise watched as a group by full-time sitters. The child-care conditions in the past have been described as scandalous.

Marriages among staff in Scientology, especially in the Sea Org, have a very high incidence of failure. Strong sexual and family loyalties, such as that developing between Hana Eltringham and John O'Keefe, were routinely undermined, in one way or another.


The field of the mind must be sufficiently dominated by the psycho-political operative [Scientology], so that wherever tenets of the mind are taught they will be hypnotically received.
From "Hubbard Communications Office Policy" Letter of 14 January 1969:

Thus in the case of Scientology Orgs one should attack with the end in view of taking over the whole field of mental health.
Could it be that Hubbard wanted to become the authority on the mind and spirit so that whole populations would hypnotically follow what he said? Certainly for the membership, he is the final authority; speaking from on high; his infallibility never doubted. According to Ron Jr., his father "believed he would achieve enormous personal power from taking over the field of mental health."


The tenets of rugged individualism, personal determinism, self-will, imagination, and personal creativeness are alike in the masses antipathetic to the good of the Greater State [the Church of Scientology]. These willful and unaligned are no more than illnesses which will bring about disaffection, disunity, and at length the collapse of the group to which the individual is attached. The constitution of man lends itself easily and thoroughly to certain and positive regulation from without of all of its functions, including those of thinkingness [sic],[6] obedience, and loyalty, and these things must be controlled if the greater State [Church of Scientology] is to ensue. The end thoroughly justifies the means.

Some of the nomenclature of Scientology is innovative and, in a positive sense, useful. In fact, probably the best method for someone to get an overview understanding of the subject is to scan through a Scientology Dictionary. There is also, however, a negative side. Much of the nomenclature is "loaded language." Says Robert J. Lifton in Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism:

The language of the totalist environment is characterized by the thought-terminating cliché. The most far-reaching and complex of human problems are compressed into brief, highly reductive, definitive-sounding phrases, easily memorized and easily expressed. These become the start and finish of any ideological analysis. In thought reform, for instance, the phrase "bourgeois mentality" is used to encompass and critically dismiss ordinarily troublesome concerns like the quest for individual expression, the exploration of alternative ideas, and the search of perspective and balance... [loaded language is] the "language of non-thought."

By using loaded language such as "the open-minded case" as a term of abuse, and "other practices" as a term of utmost scorn, Hubbard shut off (for his followers) all competitive ideas and practices in the fields of the mind and spirit. In one of the numerous examples of this in Scientology, Hubbard declared "middle-class mentality" suppressive, period! Lifton continues:

Also involved is an underlying assumption that language — like all other human products — can be owned and operated by the movement ...the effect of the language...can be summed up in one word: constriction. The individual is, so to speak, linguistically deprived; and since language is so central to all human experience his capacities for thinking and feeling are immensely narrowed.
There have been a lot of studies done in medical journals on what were the breaking points of Korean prisoners of war. During the Sea Org era, especially, Hubbard was able to test each crew member for breaking points. He honed this to where he had it down to a fine art.

I have come to the conclusion that L. Ron Hubbard, Jr. was used as one of Hubbard's guinea pigs to test this premise of blows and obedience; that many of the lessons Hubbard learned from his experiments on his son were further implemented on the ship. Ron Jr. was, in essence, a life-long "prisoner of war"; a prisoner of Hubbard and his organization's machinations. Hubbard trained his troops to find a person's breaking point, in order to bend him or her to his will. He had done this with his own son, early and continuously. While Ron Jr. was not physically struck by his father, his weaknesses were exploited. When he virtually fled the organization in 1959, according to his account, he was hounded. Although he was out of the organization, his father retained the ability to manipulate him, even into changing his name. It is obvious to anyone who knows Ron Jr. that he spent his whole life attempting to escape from the mental "prison" that his father had created for him. The pressures of being a "number one son" of the "Savior of Mankind," were perhaps reflected in what appears to have been the suicide — by an overdose of drugs — of Quentin, Hubbard's oldest son by Mary Sue (Ron Jr.'s half brother). Quentin's body was found in a car near McCurran Airport in Las Vegas in early 1977. He went into a coma and died in a hospital after 14 days. He was 22 years of age. Some 18 months prior to that time, my wife — while taking a Scientology course in Daytona Beach, Florida, in 1975 — observed Quentin running away from his father, who was coming down on an elevator. She describes his reaction upon discovering that Hubbard was on the elevator: "He paled dramatically and exclaimed, 'Oh shit, it's Dad, I've got to get out of here!'" He sprinted up several flights of stairs. He had previously confided in her that he desperately needed help regarding his problems with his father. She says his emotion was "terror." She observed him again in early 1977, in Florida at the "Flag Land Base," not long before his death, looking devastated, having again been placed in a "lowered ethics condition." It does not appear to have been a wonderful gift of fate to have been born the oldest son of L. Ron Hubbard.

[1] For a more detailed look at this bizarre state of affairs, see Chapters 12, Part I, Souls Turned Inside Out, and Chapter 10, Part II, Clay in the Master's Hands.

[2] My wife and I and my closest associates were initially declared suppressive persons, or "S.P.s" (psychotic) in late 1982 after we announced our departure from the Church of Scientology. Some 600 others, mostly experienced, long-time Scientologists, had also been declared "insane" by the Church during the previous 18 months or so.

[3] Scientologists believe that their survival as spiritual beings is totally dependent upon remaining in good graces with the Church.

[4] To not report a fellow Scientologist who is seen violating one of Hubbard's numerous rules is a major crime. This policy gives a strong incentive to report even on close friends and family. Stories of husbands or wives "writing their partners up" regarding. intimate conversations are not uncommon. (Laurell Sullivan, Hubbard's personal public relations officer who left in 1980, burst into tears in court upon recounting such an incident.)

[5] Please keep in mind that I am not implying that the Church of Scientology is a communist operation. The IRS case against the Church would appear to indicate that it has been a "capitalistic" money making operation, while at the same time utilizing practices with which any late 1960s fanatical Chinese Head Guard would feel quite at home.

[6] Hubbard often added "ness" to the ends of verbs, transforming them to nouns. For example: "beingness," "doingness," "havingness," "eatingness," "sexingness," etc.

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Bruno Gaccio défend (trop tard) Dieudonné (vidéo) !!!

Rédigé par sachab (24actu) le 28 avril 2014.

Invité à s’exprimer dans l’émission « La Barge », l’ancien auteur des Guignols, Bruno Gaccio, a défendu vivement le comique Dieudonné, en dénonçant les méthodes « liberticides » de Manuel Valls et l’absence de justice liée à la décision du Conseil d’état d’interdire ses spectacles. Malheureusement, comme il l’avoue lui même, ce bon sympathisant socialiste n’a pas osé dire ce qu’il pensait pendant l’affaire Dieudonné, de peur d’être également victime de cette inquisition moderne médiatique. Le courage sauce PS…
L’auteur dénonce d’abord la chasse aux sorcières dont Dieudonné est victime depuis 10 ans :
« Il y a 10 ans on a dit ‘Dieudonné on va lui fermer sa gueule’. Faire fermer sa gueule à un artiste déjà je ne trouve pas ça très joli. 10 ans plus tard le mec rempli les Zénith. Du coup qu’est-ce qu’on peut faire ? Le mec a des propos qui ont été condamnés pour antisémitisme. Tant mieux. On dit ‘le mec a organisé son insolvabilité’. Faux ! Car quand il fait ses Zénith le FISC a les moyens de saisir les caisses de recettes ça s’appelle un ATD ( Avis à tiers détenteur). […] Mais ils n’ont pas fait ça, préférant l’interdire de jouer pour un motif antisémite. Ils disent deux choses « trouble à l’ordre public » et « atteinte à la dignité humaine ». Moi je suis le gendre du professeur Choron et Hara-Kiri a été interdit sur la même base, c’est donc le fait du prince et dans un état de droit c’est inqualifiable. […] Aujourd’hui sur la base de cette circulaire le préfet peut interdire n’importe quel spectacle, c’est totalitaire ! »
Puis il revient sur les méthodes « totalitaires » de Valls et de son instrumentalisation de la justice (si même les militants socialistes nous le disent…) :
« J’ai refusé de m’exprimer sur Dieudonné. Toutes les émissions m’ont contacté pour parler de Dieudonné et j’ai refusé. C’est vrai que je suis le dernier à avoir amené Dieudonné sur les plateaux-tv […] . Le problème de la liberté d’expression, ce n’est pas Dieudonné mais la circulaire de Valls. Moi la prochaine fois que j’ai un problème je passe un coup de fil au Conseil d’Etat!  […] Il y a encore 8 jours, il n’y avait pas de nuance. Il fallait arriver et dire ‘Dieudonné est un salaud’ ! Si tu disais le contraire tu pouvais être assimilé à un nazi ».
Enfin, il explique que le spectacle de Dieudonné n’a rien de négationniste, puisqu’il dénonce précisément la surexploitation de la Shoa :
« Moi j’ai écouté « Le Mur » on ne peut pas dire qu’il est négationniste, au contraire il ne parle que de ça (la shoah,ndlr) ».
Une prise de position très juste à écouter dans son intégralité, où Gaccio évoque même le décalage de traitement entre les blagues sur les Chrétiens et celles sur les Juifs. Dommage que le courageux défenseur de la liberté d’expression ait tant attendu pour défendre son ancien ami, en attendant que l’affaire soit passée au lieu de s’engager quand cela aurait eu un sens. Sa seule défense pour ne pas avoir dit ce qu’il pensait à ce moment là : « si tu disais le contraire tu étais taxé de limite nazi ».