Knowing Operative Zone for Independant Wisdom Movement (KOZ 4 IWM)

by Jean-Baptiste Lockhart Michaut alias jbTrendy & Ex jeanTox

mercredi 20 mars 2013

Mission Terre in the name of Ron !!!

je viens d'entrer dans cette communautée et je vous présente la décalogie que j'ai adorée ecrite par L.Ron.Hubbard ( attention, il s'agit bien du "gourou " scientologue, mais je parle ici de ses livre de science fiction et non de " sa croyance " : cet homme a deux facettes, je ne parle que de celle d'écrivain . )
Donc superbe histoire, plein de suspence et de rebondissements. 5000 pages en tout. Je l'ai dévoré en 1 mois. Je le conseil.
Quelqu'un l'as t'il déja lu ?

jb Trendy : In the name of Ron en tant que LRH Honorary Personal Public Relation Officer JeanTox j'ai incarné Jettero Heller et animé la campagne Mission Terre pour New Era France & International publié aux presses de la cité de 1989 à 1993 avec des tournées promo et des spectacles en France, Allemagne, Danemark et la réalisation d'un feuilleton radio en français de 167 épisodes qui à été diffusé pendant plus de 3 ans jusqu'à 300 stations FM simultanément dans la francophonie. Des aventures épiques s'il en est pendant que l'église de Scientologie accomplissait sa mue en $ecte de Miscavology à mon corps défendant et dont je suis sorti en 2003.
 Je considère Mission Terre comme le testament d'Hubbard aux habitants de notre planète puisqu'il l'écrivit peu avant sa mort et en recommande la lecture édifiante.Bien à toi xxx 

Independant Free Org Member PRO John-bartist Trendy Ex JeanTox - - 21/3/13

Pour nous Dieu !!!


Pour nous Dieu !!!

Souvenir… Rappelles-toi
La première fois où l’amour était en toi
Ton sourire Hymalaya
Resplendit comme celui du Daï Lama
Tous radieux
Pour l’avenir, excuses-moi
J’ai juste un truc à te dire :

L’amour en mieux est miraculeux
Vu du haut des cieux si majestueux
L’amour rend mieux c’est miraculeux
Vu du haut des cieux tout est merveilleux
Pour nous Dieu

(Pour nous, pour nous Dieu, pour nous, pour nous Dieu) bis

Reviens !!!

Sououououououviens toi de moi
Siiiiiii Si loin déjà…
Est-ce que tu te souviens
A quel point nous Dieu c’était bien ?

Nous Dieu c’était demain
Deux mains en une plus un font un
Tu es le don dont j’ai le plus besoin
Tu es mon plus
J’en deviens donc le moins
L’opposition qui t’attire
Laisse-moi te dire
Reviens !!!

Tu es le geste
ce don dont j’ai juste besoin
Je suis ton plus
on en serait plus pour le moins
Toute l’attraction quitte à dire
Donnes-moi donc la clé du chemin.


Majestix !!!

Nous sommes le seigneur du petit baigneur
Les mages à son image
Rois en image
L’image à l’image
du nous Dieu

Comme ça a bien décanté tout ce merdier
Merci de passer aux choses heureuses
Radieux soient nos vœux
Sur radio majestueux !!!

Le Même

Viens je tant même que je t’aime quand même
Même si je ne m’en aime que plus
Je l’aime plus le Même
Je l’aime même quand bien même
Je n’aurais plus le plus qui luit


(From the great operative dynasty sanctified)

dimanche 17 mars 2013

Scientology8xs as scientologixs

No it is never too late for who is signing the contract.

It's called free Org member of rehabilited reign of OTXs

But Xs SO EXECS, staff and publics from all echelons of the structure

are all to come back free from trap of today's Official Church of Scientology

Many were called to say the few who have chosen to become crew

RPF is to relieve all its prisonners from Miscavology Cult of $cientology

David Miscavidge is the SP that has to be removed from post already

Listen to me all of you still believing in True Scientology

Set free from Church of Miscavology

Get back to the truth of free independant Scientology

Now symbolised as 8xs

Scientology8xs - Scientologixs

ScientologyXs to the Infinity of independancy

per our duty of our vision with LRH Free

and never dead the TRENDIX xxx

Midnight Oil - Beds Are Burning

Le tout est de vouloir !!!

Les portes s'ouvrent sur ma nouvelle vie

50 ans aujourd’hui en retour au choix de la vie
Comme dans le bruit des glaçons de Bertrand Blier
Avec François je me sens en phase
Encore un petit pour la route
Et le mal aura raison de toi
Dans mes instants de doute
J’ai le cœur aux abois

En France on sait filmer les sentiments comme personne ô monde
Mais les vivre avec élégance en billard à mille bandes
Pour qui connaît l’amour il est si ridicule de se mentir
Ne plus vouloir s’appartenir
Quitter le rivage pour un trop long voyage
Si loin est le rivage …

Une porte s’ouvre sur un nouveau départ
Et si j’arme les rebelles en syrie
Est-ce au prix de la vie qu’il nous faille faire la guerre ?
Il me faut partir d’ici pour refonder ma vie

Ce soir pour mon anniversaire j’ai redécroché mon téléphone
Et si tu n’existais pas dis-moi pour qui j’existerai ?
C’était le film du dimanche soir
Chez Raoul à Neuilly-sur-seine

Idenics is the Cure that fits $cientology
Les portes se ferment sur mon ancienne vie
Il est temps pour se réveiller

Ô sens de la métaphore le cancer est moins fort pour le corps que l'esprit.

John-Bartist Trendy 18/3/13

Debbie Cook's email |

Debbie Cook's email |

Tuesday, 05 March 2013 20:23

December 31, 2011

Dear Friend,

I am emailing you as a friend and fellow Scientologist. As we enter a new year, it is hoped that 2012 can be a year of great dissemination and a year of real progress up The Bridge for all Scientologists.

Although I am not in the Sea Org right now, I served in the Sea Org at Flag for 29 years. 17 of those years were as Captain FSO. I am a trained auditor and C/S as well as an OEC, FEBC and DSEC.

I am completely dedicated to the technology of Dianetics and Scientology and the works of LRH. I have seen some of the most stunning and miraculous results in the application of LRH technology and I absolutely know it is worth fighting to keep it pure and unadulterated.

My husband and I are in good standing and we are not connected with anyone who is not in good standing. We have steadfastly refused to speak to any media, even though many have contacted us.

But I do have some very serious concerns about out-KSW that I see permeating the Scientology religion.

I have the utmost respect for the thousands of dedicated Scientologists and Sea Org members. Together, we have come through everything this world could throw at us and have some real impingement on the world around us. I am proud of our accomplishments and I know you are too. However there is no question that this new age of continuous fundraising is not our finest moment.

LRH says in HCO PL 9 Jan 51, An Essay on Management, “drop no curtains between the organization and the public about anything.” -LRH

Based on this policy I am communicating to you about some situations that we need to do something about within our religion, within our group.

Actions that are either not covered in policy or directly violate LRH policy and tech include the extreme over-regging and fund-raising activities that have become so much a part of nearly every Sea Org org and Class V org as well as every “OT Committee”. This fundraising is not covered anywhere in LRH policy.

Hardworking Sea Org members and the dedicated staff of orgs around the world aren’t choosing to do these actions. Nor are the OTs. I am sure they would be more than happy if they could just get on with direct dissemination of Scientology as they have done for so many years.

But the truth is that this is being driven from the very highest echelons within the Scientology structure and clearly there is a lot of pressure to make targets that are being set.

The IAS: The IAS was created unbeknownst to LRH in 1984 by Marc Yager and David Miscavige. This was supposed to be based on LRH policies on the subject of membership and the HASI, however the IAS is nothing like the membership system described by LRH which only has two memberships and is covered in HCO PL 22 March 1965 “Current Promotion and Org Program Summary, Membership Rundown” and states:

“There are two memberships…”- LRH

LRH lists there the INTERNATIONAL ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP and gives its cost at 10 pounds sterling or $30 US. He also lists a LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP which is priced at $75 US. There are no other memberships or statuses approved or known to LRH.

Furthermore, membership monies are supposed to go directly to the org where the membership is signed up, and the money used for dissemination by that org, in that area. This is covered in HCOPL 1 Sept 1965R Membership Policies.

“It all goes into the HCO Book Account in the area where the membership is brought and is not part of the organization’s weekly gross income. Membership monies go to dissemination”.- LRH

Currently membership monies are held as Int reserves and have grown to well in excess of a billion dollars. Only a tiny fraction has ever been spent, in violation of the policy above. Only the interest earned from the holdings have been used very sparingly to fund projects through grants. In fact many of the activities you see at IAS events are not actually funded by the IAS, but rather by the Scientologists involved.

Think about it, how many ads disseminating Scientology, Dianetics or any Scn affiliated programs have you seen on TV? Heard on the radio? Seen in newspapers? I haven’t seen one in the 4 years I have lived in San Antonio, Texas, the 7th largest city in the US. How many have you seen?

Donating anything more than a lifetime membership to the IAS is not based on LRH policy. The article “What Your Donations Buy” (The Auditor, The Monthly Journal of Scientology No. 51, 1970) is clearly talking about how the church uses your donations for Dianetics and Scientology services. Next time you are asked to donate outside of services, realize that you are engaged in fundraising and ask to see something in writing from L. Ron Hubbard that this is something he expects from you as a Scientologist.

New Org Buildings: LRH also never directed the purchase of opulent buildings or the posh renovations or furnishings for every org.

In fact, if you read HCO PL 12 March 75 Issue II, “The Ideal Org”, which is what this program has been called, and nowhere in it will you find 20 million dollar buildings or even any reference to the poshness of org premises at all as part of LRH’s description of an “Ideal Org”. Instead, an Ideal Org was one that delivered and moved people up The Bridge – something that is not part of this “Ideal Org” program.

LRH says in the PL that an Ideal Org:

“would be clean and attractive enough not to repel its public” – LRH.

This is all it says about the state of the building.

As a result of this off-policy alteration of the Ideal Org PL, we have the majority of top OTs, now deemed “OT Ambassadors”, heavily engaged in fund-raising activities that include “bingo”, “pirate dinners”, “knitting classes”, “hay rides”, and many other activities strictly revolving around raising funds for the required multi-millions of dollars to fund their “Ideal Org”. As part of this, people around every org are now asked to donate to their local “Ideal Org” instead of their own services or their own Bridge.

LRH says in HCO PL Org Ethics and Tech:

“GET RID OF DISTRACTIONS FROM SCIENTOLOGY in your org. Baby-sitting or raffle tickets and such nonsense.”-LRH

Yet these distractions are rampant as they are being used as fund-raisers to get money for the huge quotas being issued to fund the “Ideal Org”.

“If the org slumps… don’t engage in ‘fund-raising’ or ‘selling postcards’ or borrowing money. Just make more income with Scientology. It’s a sign of very poor management to seek extraordinary solutions for finance outside Scientology. It has always failed.”

“For orgs as for pcs, ‘Solve It With Scientology’.

“Every time I myself have sought to solve financial or personnel in other ways than Scientology I have lost out. So I can tell you from experience that org solvency lies in more Scientology, not patented combs or fund-raising barbeques.”

HCO PL 24 February 1964, Issue II, Org Programming, (OEC Vol. 7, p. 930)

The point is that Scientologists and OT’s need to be training, auditing and disseminating to raw public- not regging each other or holding internal fundraisers.

Out Tech: Over the last few years we have seen literally hundreds and hundreds of people who were validated as clear using the CCRD as developed by LRH now being told they are not Clear. This included hundreds of OTs who were then put onto NED as a “handling”. LRH clearly forbid any Dianetics to be run on OTs in HCOB “Dianetics Forbidden on OTs”. This is out tech. This entire technical “handling” was directed personally by COB RTC and was done on thousands of OTs. But it was based not on an LRH HCO Bulletin, but rather based on a single C/S instruction where LRH C/Sed one pre-OT who had not achieved the state of clear but was mid OT III and not making it. LRH directed a solo handling that the pre-OT was to do to get himself to achieve the state of Clear. This LRH C/S taken out of context was then used to implement a technical handling that was in direct violation of an LRH HCOB.

This and other “technical handlings” done on Solo NOTs auditors created great expense and hardship on Solo NOTs auditors around the world as they were made to do these handlings to continue on the level.

Then there are the “fast grades at Flag” that no other org has. How can it be that Flag has been delivering grades differently to the rest of the world for the last 3 years? Whatever the problem is, the fact is that having “fast Grades” at Flag creates a hidden data line and is a HIGH CRIME and the subject of an entire policy letter called HCOPL “TECH DEGRADES” which LRH has placed at the start of every Scientology course.

More recently the fad seems to be that nearly everyone needs to “re-do their Purif and do a long objectives program”, including many OTs mid Solo NOTs.

There is nothing wrong with doing objectives, but it is a clear violation of HCOB ‘MIXING RUNDOWNS AND REPAIRS” to have a person mid a rundown or OT level be taken off it and placed on an objectives program.

Solo NOTs auditors are also being made to get their objectives from a Class IX auditor at great expense as they are not being allowed to co-audit.

Flag has made many millions of dollars on the above listed out tech handlings because OTs mid Solo NOTs are forced to get these out-tech actions to be able to get back onto and stay on the level and complete it. Not to mention the spiritual effects of the out tech that this has on each OT.

I myself was subject to these out tech “handlings”, including extensive FPRD mid Solo NOTs. It took its toll in many ways, including physical situations I am still dealing with today. So I have some reality of the hardship caused.

LRH Command Structure: LRH left us with a complex and balanced command structure, with our orgs led by the Office of ED International. This office was considered so important that LRH created a special management group called the Watch Dog Committee whose only purpose was to see that this office and the other needed layers of management existed. LRH ED 339R speaks of this extensively as the protection for our Church. But these people are missing. And not just some. As of just a few years ago there were no members of the office of ED Int on post, not to mention top execs throughout the International Management structure.

You may have also wondered… where is Heber, the President of the Church? What about Ray Mitthoff, Senior C/S International, the one that LRH personally turned over the upper OT Levels to? How about Norman Starkey, LRH’s Trustee? What happened to Guillaume – Executive Director International? And Marc Yeager, the WDC Chairman? What happened to the other International Management executives that you have seen at events over the years?

The truth is that I spent weeks working in the empty International Management building at Int. Empty because everyone had been removed from post. When I first went up lines I was briefed extensively by David Miscavige about how bad all of them were and how they had done many things that were all very discreditable. This seemed to “explain” the fact that the entirety of the Watchdog Committee no longer existed. The entirety of the Executive Strata, which consisted of ED International and 11 other top International executives that were the top executives in their particular fields, no longer existed. That the Commodore’s Messenger Org International no longer existed. All of these key command structures of Scientology International, put there by LRH, had been removed.

There were hundreds and hundreds of unanswered letters and requests for help from org staff, written based on LRH ED 339R where LRH says that staff can write to these top executives in the Exec Strata for help. But this is not possible if all these execs have been removed and no one is there to help them or to get evaluations and programming done to expand Scientology.

Well, after that I got to spend some quality time with Heber, Ray Mithoff, Norman Starkey, Guillaume, as well as the entirety of International Management at the time, who were all off post and doing very long and harsh ethics programs. These have gone on for years and to the only result of that they are still off post. There is no denying that these top executives have all gradually disappeared from the scene. You don’t see them at the big events anymore or on the ship at Maiden Voyage.

David Miscavige has now become the “leader” of the Scientology religion. Yet what LRH left behind was a huge structure to properly manage all aspects of the Scientology religion. He put a complete and brilliant organizational structure there, not one individual. There never was supposed to be a “leader” other than LRH himself as the goal maker for our group.

There is a situation here and even if you have not been to the International Management Base you should be able to see that over regging and frequent tech changes are not OK and you have a responsibility to do something to Keep Scientology Working. You should be able to find and read the references on membership in OEC Volume 6. Find and read the HCO PL entitled “The Ideal Org” (Data Series 40). Find and read the references on org buildings, including HCO PL 24 Aug 65 II, Cleanliness of Quarters and Staff, Improve our Image. Also, HCO PL 17 June 69, The Org Image.

If you don’t want to make waves or put yourself in danger of being taken off the level or denied eligibility, then there are some simple things you can do. First and foremost, withdraw your support from off policy actions. Stop donating to anything other than your own services and actual Bridge progress. Simply demand to see an LRH reference that says you are required to make other such donations. No one will be able to produce any references because there aren’t any.

Stop supporting any of the activities that are being done to forward off-policy fund-raising in your area.

LRH says what he expects of a Scientologist – that is what he expects you to do. In fact he put it in HCOB 10 June 1960 Issue I, Keeping Scientology Working Series 33, WHAT WE EXPECT OF A SCIENTOLOGIST. Read it and follow it.

The other thing you can do is to send this email to as many others as you can, even if you do it anonymously.

Please keep this email among us, the Scientologists. The media have no place in this. You may wonder why I have not written a KR and gone about my business. The answer is, I have. But there is no longer anyone to send that KR to.

But you can and should write reports and bring off-policy to the attention of local org executives and local Sea org members.

We are a strong and powerful group and we can affect a change. We have weathered many storms. I am sorry that I am the one telling you, but a new storm is upon us. It’s waves are already in the media and the world around us.

The truth is that as a Scientologist you are more able, more perceptive and have a higher integrity. Scientology is supposed to allow you to “think for yourself” and never compromise your own integrity. And most certainly LRH held every Scientologist responsible to KEEP SCIENTOLOGY WORKING.

I am not trying to do anything other than affect a change in serious off policy actions occurring. My husband and I have most of our family and many many good friends who are Scientologists. I have not been real interested in sticking my neck out like this.

However, I also know that I dedicated my entire adult life to supporting LRH and the application of LRH technology and if I ever had to look LRH in the eye I wouldn’t be able to say I did everything I could to Keep Scientology Working if I didn’t do something about it now.

We all have a stake in this. It is simply not possible to read the LRH references and not see the alterations and violations that are currently occurring.

You have a very simple obligation to LRH. Don’t participate in anything off policy, and let others know they should not either. If every person who reads this email does nothing more than step back from off-policy actions we would have changed direction. If we took all that energy and directed it into auditing, training and raw public dissemination, we would be winning.

And that is what I wish for you and all of us as we ring in this new year.


Debbie Cook

Connecting the dots |

Connecting the dots |

True Scientology is free from $cientology that is the Church of Miscavology as so well stated here !!!

Friday, 02 July 2010 17:41 A builder asked me recently about the Scientologists he’s seen on TV -- Tom Cruise, Tommy Davis and the ESI Inspection Sisters (Every Square Inch). I told him “Scientology is like a pump. You can get water out of your basement with a pump. But use it in reverse, and that same pump will flood your house. The pump is not the problem. The pump is simply technology." “And so is Scientology. Used properly, it makes people more free. Used in reverse, it can turn people into robots.” He got the point. Any technology can be used for good or for bad. Thirty years ago when David Miscavige set out to grab control of Scientology he excused his illegal actions by pretending he was “saving Scientology” when actually he was hooking up the pumps to run them in reverse. When the flood waters started to rise, Savior Miscavige said it was all due to the enemy attacking the Church! True enough. But few realized he was the “enemy.” And so came more illegal, off-policy and off-purpose actions... and the flood rose higher still. Those treading water pondered how would they ever go free? They could purchase auditing, but all their hours would be wasted on sec checks. Or their F/N killed because “it didn’t swing three times.” Or they would be run on wrong processes. Or made to repeat the same rundown twice. Today, they can’t even purchase auditing. They have to donate their money to the IAS! Afraid of consequences, they clapped and cheered and did everything they were told... coughed up every last dime. And still the waters rose. “Ah-ha!” Miscavige said. The problem is YOU! YOU don’t apply ethics/YOU are blind/YOU never really 'got' Scientology/YOU aren’t really Clear/YOU must disconnect/YOU aren’t giving enough cash..." Thus public enthusiasm gave way to frustration. Frustration gave way to desperation. Desperation gave way to apathy. And still the waters rose. At one time spiritual freedom seemed so close. But now... so far. A few months before I left the Int base, I happened to read a book that said, “The victim cannot be rescued, but must pull himself up by his own boot straps and rescue himself by being responsible for his own rescue. The problem with Earth is it is a planet of victims. Stop being a victim and take responsibility for yourself.” That one hit me right between the eyes and I woke up. Entrapment LRH had much to say about entrapment. “If one wants to understand existence and his unhappiness with it, he must understand entrapment and its mechanisms. In what can a person become entrapped? Basically and foremost, he can become entrapped in ideas.” (LRH - Dianetics 55!) One of the key ideas Scientologists are entrapped by is the idea that they cannot move up the Bridge outside the Church. Or they think it might be an “overt” to attack the church even after it has been subverted into making “totally enslaved victims” instead of “free beings.” Their attention is fixed on penalties like disconnection and on seeming loopholes in policy such as the threat of being forever barred from auditing and training within the Church.“Examining freedom, then, we have to examine why people do not attain it easily or understand it. They do not attain freedom because their attention is fixed upon barriers.” (Dianetics 55!) Another barrier is that their reputations will be ruined by the Ministry of Propaganda that OSA has become. “It is fascinating that blackmail and punishment are the keynotes of all dark operations.” (HCOPL Honest People Have Rights, Too) “Black propaganda was a Nazi specialty.” (HCO PL Justice--Correct Application) But frankly, people with integrity see right through the lies. It is very clear that we are telling the truth and as LRH said, “SANITY is basically HONESTY and TRUTH” (HCOB Word Clearing OCAs). And virtually no one believes or trusts the Church of Miscavology anymore. The key, in our case, is to remedy reality and communication. What is reality? That is what Scientology-cult set out to handle -- to lay out clearly what IS. “The component parts of freedom, as we first gaze upon it, are then affinity, reality, and communication -- which summate into understanding. Once understanding is attained freedom is obtained.” (Dianetics 55!) And so, the pursuit of reality brings us to truth. And on that subject, LRH was explicit: “Truth is by definition -- is what is.” (Class VIII lectures, #4) Whereas Miscavige in true 1984 style has redefined “truth” to mean “acceptable truth” then redefined even that to mean “any blatant lie to cover up unseemly truth.” Where as LRH said “Truth is the exact consideration. Truth is the exact time, place, form and event.” (Phoenix Lectures) Silver lining The enigma of Scientology for the last few decades as been how to walk the road to “truth” in a church that deals in lies. The Church today has become a grand jigsaw puzzle with a single, but indispensable, missing piece--TRUTH. Along the way, some bright individuals actually did solve the problem for themselves. But the Internet was not yet in its prime. And so they had no effective way to disseminate their observations. Most were simply victimized. The fact is, you can’t walk the road to truth in a church that deals in lies. It’s impossible to hold onto case gain when one is connected to a suppressive person or group. And in the Church you have both. Those who have left the Church have experienced an enormous resurgence in cause level, in OT, in their postulates working, in freedom from illness and roller coaster, in stability, in “good luck” and more. They flourish and prosper because they are no longer PTS. The counter intention may literally be killing those who continue to hold onto the charade. NOTHING good will come from staying connected to genuine suppressive persons. In our lifetime, with LRH off the line, we have seen the Bridge to freedom destroyed... but only in orgs. Outside of the orgs, the Bridge to OT is open at least through New OT VII. And what’s more, one can do the original OT Levels IIIx, IV, V, VI and VII and VIII -- technology which has been lost. The only thing that to my knowledge isn’t available is New OT VIII and I may be mistaken about that. Even the Ls are available outside the Church. And eventually, like all thugs, criminals and gangsters before him, Miscavige will come to an end and we will get our church back. Disconnection will be cancelled and we will restore the checks and balances that LRH intended. Missing jigsaw piece The road to truth begins when one actually starts to deal in truth. If you are reading this website, you are dealing in truth. And that opens the door to honor and integrity. So, the missing jigsaw piece on the road to total freedom was independence symbolized by the letter “I”. Independent means free from outside control; not depending on another’s authority; self governing; capable of thinking or acting for oneself; not depending on something else for strength of effectiveness. For America, freedom came through a Declaration of Independence. A document celebrated on July 4th. But Independent Scientology is worldwide. So perhaps we’d better replace the dot on that “I” with our planet. In the independent field you can throw off the PTSness by leaving the Church, save your money from IAS racketeers, save your children from the Miscavige’s body snatchers, and make real Bridge progress right at home. You won’t believe how easily your needle will F/N in the comfort of your own home, where you are under no stress, (i.e., with secret video cameras and crazy executives looking in and even telling the auditor what to do via microphones in their ears). At home where auditor + pc IS greater than the bank; at home where no one is going to send you to Ethics where you must bring a checkbook and credit cards for “amends”; at home where no one is going to censor your friendships or disconnect your family auditing... you are safe. “Scientology is a body of knowledge which, when properly used, gives freedom and truth to the individual.” (Creation of Human Ability) And now that we are dealing in truth again, and able to produce freedom, we are fit to call ourselves Scientologists, so there is the letter “S” If the entire goal of Scientology is freedom: the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint; absence of subjection to domination or despotic rule; the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved; being physically unrestricted and able to move easily. That’s freedom! And that is what we have with INDEPENDENCE. For those moving up to OT, the missing ingredient was independence. Like an auditing process that asks questions but leaves it to you to find the answer, we as a group have been asked by life itself and finally we have answered. Today Independent Scientology IS. And what appropriate letters those are ... IS. I have no doubt that long before next July 4th, our Indie 500 list will be complete and the back of disconnection will be broken. Our websites are important because they are the vanguard and a venue for reality and communication on a broad scale. In fact, Scientology-cult is itself a “multiple viewpoint system” enabling one to see Scientology from multiple viewpoints for an accurate analysis of the existing scene. And beyond there is the Freezone where for years thousands have been quietly getting on with the job of helping people go free. That’s where you will find many of those who saw through the smoke and mirrors years ago, but were not yet in a position to deal directly with Miscavige though many tried. So in fact, it is independence that completes many original postulates of Scientology. Here we have finally come full circle, from being independent but Effect when we first came in, to being dependent on the church for help, to being enslaved by a corrupted church, back to being independent again but now at Cause. Only by going independent can one counter, utter or write upon the opinion of David Miscavige without being buried under a dog pile of ethics officers, yet that is basic Scientology. "We of the Church believe... That all men have inalienable rights to think freely, to talk freely, to write freely their own opinions and to counter or utter or write upon the opinions of others." Only independent Scientologists have fundamental human rights, such as the right to communicate anything their heart desires. "Perhaps the most fundamental right of any being is the right to communicate. Without this freedom, other rights deteriorate." (L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology Ethics, PTSness and Disconnection, pg 205) Only the Indie Scientologists are living breathing examples of free speech. We practice what we preach, whereas Church robots are a crude hypocrisy, uttering only carefully approved, and rehearsed canned messages. "As a Scientologist, I pledge myself to the Code of Scientology for the good of all... To work for freedom of speech in the world." (L. Ron Hubbard, HCO PL 5 Feb 1969R, Code of a Scientologist) OSA operatives run programs to destroy Freezone Scientologists and the Independent Scientologists movement. Indie Scientologists intervene only in matters of criminality, abuse and victimization. Otherwise people are free to believe at they choose. If someone doesn’t want to be a Scientologist any longer, we are still happy to stay friends. "We of the Church believe...That all men have inalienable rights to conceive, choose, assist or support their own organizations, churches and governments." You can read OSA's program to destroy the Freezone earlier published on this website and on Marty’s. "We of the Church believe... That all men have inalienable rights to their own religious practices and their performance." Okay, try walking into the Church and saying "I don't want to be a Scientologist anymore." It is not possible to be self-determined and be in the Church of Scientology. They only allow one to be other-determined. You must follow without question “Command Intention” and forget LRH. "Q1 The common denominator of all life impulses is self-determinism." (L. Ron Hubbard, The Qs Lecture 10 Nov 1952) But outside the Church we are entirely self determined, so much so that we often act in concert without even trying. Miscavige himself reinstated disconnection, countermanding LRH who cancelled it in 1968. When I came into Scientology in 1979, disconnection was still cancelled and it was NOT allowed. "Since we can now handle all types of cases disconnection as a condition is canceled." (L. Ron Hubbard, HCO PL 15 November 1968, CANCELLATION OF DISCONNECTION) Today we are breaking the back of disconnection by getting enough people to ignore Miscavige and have some decency. LRH found one single suppressive person in seven years at St Hill. On the other hand, David Miscavige finds himself surrounded by suppressives everywhere he goes (Type III -- “crazy”) including 98% of LRH’s personal staff at Old St Hill. "But you don’t have somebody that’s been around three years and [...] turn up suddenly to be an SP... In all the time we’ve been around here we’ve only had one SP that I know of… Now whether he was an SP or PTS I’ve not made up my mind to this date because I haven’t investigated the case enough." -- L. Ron Hubbard, LRH Recorded Lecture "About Rhodesia," July 18, 1966 Miscavige and the IAS are merchants of chaos, for who in their right mind would donate to a “war chest” if there was no war? Likely it is the Church’s battle against Anonymous was intentionally stirred up by David Miscavige because he NEEDS a threat to convince Scientologists to violate Policy and part with their cash so he can live the life of a wealthy man. “They deal in confusion and upset. Their daily bread is made by creating chaos. If chaos were to lessen, so would their incomes.” (OEC Vol 7, pg 1039) Outside in the independent field we DO deal in affinity, reality and communication. And we are THRIVING as a result because we DO hold ARC sacred. “A true group must have a management which deals in affinity, reality and communication, and any group is totally within it’s rights, when a full and reasonable examination discloses management in fault of perverting or cutting ARC, of slaughtering, exiling or suspending that management. ARC is sacred.” – L. Ron Hubbard, Essay on Management Who we are now And so, these two things, independence and the technology of LRH’s legacy complete each other to bring Scientology back into alignment with itself. In the final image below, the "S" (front side of the infinity symbol) isn't really complete without the "I” (back side of the infinity symbol). And in real life, strangely enough to our surprise, that is exactly how it is. And while anyone can declare themselves “independent,” without the knowledge, training and auditing of Scientology, IMHO they will never be as truly independent or free as they could be with the ability to freely use the tech as they see fit. Design copyrighted by SteveHallCreative, LLC. Contact me if you would like to reproduce it as an Indie and I will gladly give free permission. Written by Thoughtful

samedi 2 mars 2013

Hypothèse de thèse !!!

En ces temps troublés où le grand monstre multi sociétal se grippe et s'emballe, où notre raison se disloque sur le flot ininterrompu d'informations taillées sur mesure par les agences de presse inféodées pour nous maintenir en état de sidération perpétuel qui nous autosuggestionne à ne plus pouvoir formuler de pensée cohérente et décourage toute action constructive, je vais tenter dans un dernier élan de clairvoyance de formuler une hypothèse qui m'est apparue subreptissement à la lueur d'un flash ô plus sombre de ma vie d'hermitte.

Tentons de la formuler d'abord dans mes mots telle qu'elle me vient pour déjà la comprendre moi puis si j'y parviens oserai-je alors faire oeuvre de vulgarisation.

Il y a une conscience cellulaire dont chacun de nous est un agrégat qui est mue et habitée par une volonté qui pour exister cherche à se dominer et se comprendre elle-même dans l'accomplissement d'un plan qu'on a formulé et enclanché afin qu'il nous échappe dans ce qui s'appelle la destinée. jblm