Knowing Operative Zone for Independant Wisdom Movement (KOZ 4 IWM)

by Jean-Baptiste Lockhart Michaut alias jbTrendy & Ex jeanTox

lundi 26 mars 2012

Mec de Panâme 75017 !!!

Performer2Panâme : Lord Eraze & jbTrendy Ô Baroc' le 17 02 12
Lord Eraze 2012

Suppressive Person !!!

JeanTox - Townhall of Lyon
Scientology Trial 1997

According to a KR (Knowledge Report) to a friend of mine from deputy Chaplain Celibrity Centre Paris, They, I mean the Church of Scientology officially called me an SP!!! So they finally got it made. Yes, they did themselves in by labelling Suppressive Person Ron's best ever Honorary LRH Personal Public Relation Officer and this shows how crazy they became or have always been and that's for each of us to determine. How to make this story short ?

dimanche 18 mars 2012

Touch my French Touch !!!

jbTrendy chante "Touch my french Touch" et "Hirondelles"
avec Sohela dans le TGV en septembre 2011.
Filmé par Dunkel - Etoileprod/Intolabel

"L'art est révolutionnaire"

Dimanche 18 mars 2012 18:00 – 02:00
à La Clinique des Arts Bis
Scène Ouverte après la reprise de la Bastille !!!
 avec le Collectif STRS (Sans Toit Rien Survit) 
60 avenue Gambetta 93170 Bagnolet M° Galliéni
Entrée Libre -

Aniv jbTrendy Ô Baroc' samedi 17 03 12

lundi 12 mars 2012



           Take full responsibility for your life. 
Stop blaming others. 

                   See yourself  as the cause of what happens to you.

           Do things you like to do. 
Don't stay in a job you don't like.
Participate in life a the highest level you can.

      .                  Stop terrorising yourself with your thoughts.
Be gentle and kind and patient with yourself.

      .                  Give yourself the simple pleasures of life abundantly.
Wear clothes you feel good in, get a massage etc.

      .                  Watch what you say. Avoid self put-downs.
Stop being critical of yourself and others.

      .                  Take care of your body. 
Give it exercise and good food.

      .                  Be willing to create a life-style that generates and nourishes self-esteem.
Associate with others with high esteem.

      .                  Acknowledge yourself frequently. 
Keep a diary of your successes and accomplishments.

      .                  Avoid comparing yourself with others.
Remember that it's who we are, not what we do, that's important

      .                  Give yourself permission to do nothing periodically. 
Schedule time by yourself.

      .                  Frequently take deep breaths. 
Discover the benefit and pleasure of breathing fully.

      .                  Eat first class frequently. 
Don't look at the right side of the menu.
      .                   Sirena-Kristal

Redfish-th feat (nikol wagner dit reinhart)

Nikol, petite fille de Jango. Une chanteuse merveilleuse et performeuse de folie !!! jblm 12 3 12

vendredi 9 mars 2012

Mylene Farmer - L'amour n'est rien

La politique du mieux vivre ensemble !!!

La Suite Paris 2008

Ce matin François Bayrou commentait l'annonce de Nicolas Sarkozi avec un petit i de se retirer en cas de défaite aux prochaines élections présidentielles en disant qu'il considérait la politique quand on y croit non pas comme une carrière mais comme un engagement pour défendre un pays et des idées. Soit, moi je préfère que nous envisagions cela comme la mise en application d'une vision au service de la cause des gens dont nous avons la charge pour aller dans la direction du mieux vivre ensemble. jblm 7 3 12

mardi 6 mars 2012

Lockhart Clan & jbTrendy "The French Scot" !!!

The Clan Lockhart arrived in Scotland among the waves of Normans who arrived after the Norman invasion of England in 1066. The Lockharts settled in Lanark and Ayrshire where the towns of Symington and Stevenson remain to mark the past influence of Simon and Steven Locard. The exact date when the lands of Lee came into the family is not known, but 1272 is traditionally accepted.

Symon (Second of Lee) won fame for himself and his family in the wars against the English when he fought alongside King Robert the Bruce and was knighted for his loyal service. Simon Lockhart the 2nd of Lee accompanied 'Good Sir James Douglas' of the Clan Douglas when he took the heart of Robert the Bruce on the crusades in 1330. It was Simon lockhart who carried the key to the casket in which the heart was carried. Simon rescued the casket and heart and returned it to Scotland after James Douglas had been killed in spain. It is said, the arms of a 'heart within a fetterlock', and the name in its present form came into use.

During the crusades of the 14th century the Lockharts brought back a precious heirloom which has been treasured ever since. It is known as the "Lee Penny". At the Battle of Teba in Spain, Sir Simon Lockhart captured a Moorish Emir and received from the man's mother as part of his ransom an amulet or stone with healing powers. The Prince's mother told Sir Simon that the stone was a sovereign remedy against bleeding and fever, the bite of a mad dog, and sickness in horses and cattle. The stone is dark red in colour and triangular in shape and was later set in a silver coin which has now been identified as a four penny peice from the reign of King Edward IV. The Lee Penny is kept in a gold snuffbox which was a gift from Maria Theresa, Empress of Austria to her general Count James Lockhart in 1789. The fame of the Lee Penny spread through Scotland and Northern England and there are many recorded occasions when it was employed with apparent success.

Tartan Lockhart Clan

Jean-Babtiste Lockhart Michaut dit jbTrendy aux cousinades Lockhart de Pâques 2011 à Saint-Cast le Guildo dans les Côtes d'Armor en Bretagne et baie de Saint-Malo.

Les Lockharts ont pour devise d'ouvrir les coeurs fermés.

C'est une longue lignée qui remonte à Robert Bruce, le premier Roi d'Écosse dont le coeur devint l'emblème du chevalier dont les descendants passèrent par la Louisiane pour s'établir à Cherbourg en Normandie au 19ème siècle après avoir été banni de la famille pour avoir épousé une catholique.

Je suis Jean-Baptiste le fils Cadet de Louise fille de Jaques et Jaqueline que nous appelions tendrement Mamine et Bonpapa et qui nous ont réunis par l'esprit à l'occasion de nos premières cousinandes magistralement réussies lors du week-end de Pâques 2011 à Saint-Cast notre port d'attache.

 1ère Cousinade Lockhart
Saint Cast Pâques 2011
 Mes Grands Parents Maternels
 Mamine & Bonpapa
(Jaques & Jaqueline Lockhart)
 Louise Lockhart

 Papa (Édouard Michaut) 1921-2007

 Papa & Maman à Alger en 1960

 Maman Christophe & moi
(Espagne 1966)

 Moi à 8 ans à Neuilly sur Seine

 Mon Frère Christophe et moi pour les 60 ans de Maman

 Moi à 30 ans à Paris

 Moi sur les marche de l'hotel de Ville de Lyon 1997

 Moi à 35 ans

 Moi à 35 ans Paris Montmartre

 Moi à 41 ans

Paris 2008

jblm (Jean-Baptiste Lockhart Michaut)
Aniv Léa à Montmartre Paris 2010

 Avec mon cousin Guillaume Le Gavrian Saint Cast 2011

 Moi à la Clinique des Arts 2011

Cabaret Populaire 2012