- L'Épopéepop des "Performer2Panâme"Florilège de chansons tubesques reprises ou originalesavec jbTrendy - Paka & Nicolas Gondran + Guests.Entrée Libre Paf ô ChapeauEtoileprod@live.frSamedi 4 février 2012de 20h30 à minuità "La Belle Vie St Martin"121 rue Fbg St Martin75010 ParisM° Gare de L'Est
"C'est l'hiver et il fait froid. Double raison de sortir de sa tanière pour venir se réchauffer le coeur et l'esprit en chantant et dégustant un bon petit plat pas trop cher. Convivialité garantie et très belle petite scène parisienne à découvrir absolument." jbTrendy
Pour la Cause qui est avant et après toute chose par la seule volonté du Moi qui revient à Nous. jbLM 2.2.12
Knowing Operative Zone for Independant Wisdom Movement (KOZ 4 IWM)
mardi 31 janvier 2012
L'Odyssée en Épopéepop !!!
dimanche 29 janvier 2012
Mylène Farmer NRJ Music Awards 2012 Du Temps
mardi 24 janvier 2012
TEASER - L'Ouverture du Squat
lundi 23 janvier 2012
dimanche 22 janvier 2012
Scoop on Scientology Paris Trial in 2009 !!!
Paris trial : Revelations from a key witness formerly known as Jean Tox
"On the third day of the Paris trial of Scientology, the judge told a former plaintiff’s story (Eric Aubry) – and questioned another of the defendants (Didier Michaux), one of the movement’s top salesmen.
Three out of the five people who originally filed as plaintiffs in the Paris case against Scientology eventually withdrew their complaints. But details of what they told investigators remained on file.
On Wednesday May 27, the third day of the trial, President of the Court Judge Sophie-Hélène Château read out details of Eric Aubry’s story.
Aubry had got involved with Scientology after buying a copy of Dianetics from a Scientologist touring France in a bus to promote the movement.
During a 19-month period – from September 1997 to April 1999 – Aubry had spent a little over 324,000 francs (nearly 50,000 euros) on Scientology and had finished up heavily in debt.
He filed his complaint in September 2000, but in December 2007 wrote to withdraw it, saying he had resolved his differences with those concerned. Aubry had received a refund of some 34,000 euros.
Judge Château read extracts from a detailed 12-page letter Aubry had written in May 1998 to the Celebrity Centre Paris, complaining bitterly about the way he was being treated.
The letter, which appeared to use Scientology’s own terminology against the centre’s staff, denounced the centre’s “suppressive” pressure and accused them of restimulating his mentale réactive – his reactive mind".
I jean-Baptiste Michaut hereby testify that Didier Michaux bookstore Manager at Celebrity Centre Paris lied in front of the Paris court of justice by stating he didn't harras Eric Aubry or made indiscreet comments on him at the centre.
Having been the scientologist who first got in contact with Eric Aubry on the French Dianetics bus tour in summer 97, I interviewed him, sold him the book and sent him to Celebrity Centre Paris (CCP) for services. Under the name of Jean Tox at the time I was a very active and known Scientologist operating as public at CCP and spokes person for the "Say no to drug" campaign of the Church of Scientology with Honarary title of L. Ron Hubbard Personal Public Relation Officer.
Eric was a neat and clever guy and I had a very good contact with him. I briefed him quite intensively on the subject of Dianetic and Scientology as he had familiarity in the field of mental and spiritual improvement undertaking trenscendental meditation at the time. He got very enlightened but stated to me he was afraid of being abused financially. I was very aware of the fact that pressure to pay was always very high in Scientology so I advised him to go to CCP and to specify he was sent there personally by me. I thought honestly that this would protect him from harrasement.
When I got back from tour a month later I found out that he had paid a lot of money for books and services up to Clear. Didier Michaux who sold him the whole package was very happy about it and from his bookstore office sold me and e-meter and some more materials for an amount of 19,000 Francs (+/- 3,000 Euros) with the 15% FSM (Fiels staff member) commission I got out from Eric Aubry's purchase. I saw Eric who was very happy and enthousiastic about it all. From a totally new public this showed great involvement and trust and everyone in the CCP were greatfull to both of us. Eric was making good progress and all went fine for a while.
But three weeks to a month later, as I got in the CCP for services, Eric came to me in shock stating that he had the day before paid much more money due to Didier Michaux urge to pay for books and material he didn't need as very well obseved by the president of the Paris court of Justice as he already had lot's of services paid for in advance and not yet delivered. This situation was putting him at great financial stress and over night he had realised he has been acting stupidely and wanted this last payement back. He was asking me for help but It was far too late as I knew that asking for refund ment that he would not be accepted on Scientology activities anymore. I felt so sorry for him and went to Didier Michaux very upset about his obvious misconduct and total violation of Church Policies. But Didier brushed me off very rudely stating that it came out in Auditing session that the reason of Eric's upsets were coming from the fact that Eric had been engaged with homosexual activities in the past. I thought that this was irrelevant. On the top of it Didier Michaut refused to pay me any commission on this new purchase stating that It wasn't of my business. For sure I would have been totally against all of this if I only had been informed about it. On this I totally fell short on my responsibility as Eric's FSM and betrayed him though he didn't inform me of the pressure he had been getting before hand from Didier Michaux who by the way stoll me as regard to the commission I would normally have gotten from his second payement. But now that the bookstore office was registerd independantly from the Church I felt there was no real stand point for me to operate from. To my big shame it all discouraged me from taking further actions to correct the situation.
I felt sorry for Eric, myself, the CCP and Scientology at large but advised him to get over it by continuing on his services that I thought was the best he could do to help him sorting things out. I was myself undertaking a big step in my Scientology commitments and thought I would have to take it up at some point and did put it all aside as I was supposed to move up to saint Hill in England for other Church activities as a Staff of the Sea Organisation. I didn't hear much about Eric after that though I spoke to him twice over the phone and he seemed pretty disafected but somehow willing to get over it. I heard later on he had filed a complaint and I decided that this wasn't of my concern anymore as Eric didn't let me know of his intentions and nobody was holding me responsible for this matter anyhow at CCP or on legal affairs that usually are dealing with these kind of matters.
In year 2000 I got back to France and really didn't want to get in a conflict with CCP having enough with my own financial duress I was getting from them. I was falling short of money myself though I had paid all I got from the inheritance of the selling of a familly flat (+/- 60,000 Euros). Still I could'nt get through my program that was originally supposed to have cost less then 10% of this amount. So I eventually got back to Saint Hill UK on a desperate state and totally broke.
As I was struggling there to get things handled for me and out of the pitfall I was in, I had to report as witness about Eric Aubry's complaint in front of the judiciary police investgators at the begining of 2001. They had found out in the accountings of Didier Michaux about the commission I got in relation to Eric Aubry's case but needed clarification on it. I had spent the whole day before intensively briefed and drilled in CCP by the office of special affairs and a lawyer of them on how not to have to state that this money was effectively a commission that would make the activity appear as commercial which as far as FSMing is concerned actually was. They didn't order me to lie which they knew I wouldn’t accept as being contrary to the tenets of the Church of Scientology. They wanted me to give the investigators what they call "an acceptable truth" that somehow wouldn't give them ground to find any evidence of what they were trying to assert : Scientology not being a non-profitable activity.
Well, I got in theyr office with five of the investigators around me and for over an hour they gave me the big per the book show on how one is being nice an the other ruthless in order to pull data out of you. But you know what, I wasn't at all impressed by them and felt so convinced of the validity of my creed and practice of Scientology at the time that I managed to spin theyr heads around with my strong assertions and statements. When finally they got to the point about the commission I've been asked the question "what this money was for in relation to Eric Aubry". I stayed silent for a short while thinking : well, I did my best to avoid it but will have to tell them the truth now. But the investigator reformulated the question by asking - Did you get this commission for having brought Eric Aubry to the Celebrity Centre? and there I could answer a so affirmative NO that to my big surprise they took it for granted and let me out. This NO wasn't a lie at all. I didn't get the money for having brought the guy in. It's because he bought services while I was being his FSM that I got a commission. They could have just ask me - So what did you get this money for? and I would have had to tell exactly what they wanted to hear. So was it that they were poor investigators or because of my mental and spiritual skills that I got away with this one? I leave it for you to decide but nevertheless that's how I haven't been anymore convened as a witness on Eric Aubry's case though I had been up to my ears involved in it.
Jean-Baptiste Michaut alias JB Trendy
Intox VS Scientology !!!
Originally Posted by Veda
Hubbard didn't flub that much. He achieved his "real goal" as described in his August 1938 'Excalibur letter'.
This link, and its links, in case you haven't seen them, may help in sorting out things.
In the mean time, enjoy the music.
Thanks for the link but I had seen this data before.
(My answer published on ESMB on the 23 3 10)
Dear Veda,
It is very convincing and true in many ways. The point is that LRH exposed and brought to public knowledge what was in fact really happening in the secret programs of the gouvernemental agencies both in east and west during the cold war as far as mind and population control were concerned. And he got attacked because of that.
Plus Scientology has within it the way to undo the trap and even defeat the darck aspects of it. In fact that's what you are contributing to by exposing this side of the story. I find it really helpfull in the process of clarifying and qualing the whole subject. Where did it go wrong and LRH fucked up and why is a very important thing to discover. You say it was there from the begining and I saw the extracts of Excalibur and his admissions. But there again there are two sides to the coin.
What i'm interested in is the positive side of it and definitely I see a very positive impact that LRH and Scientologists had on society in terms of challenging and defeating the suppression on earth. In fact the make break point has been achieved in 1988 with the delivery of OT8 and it doesn't matter actually wether or not the OT levels were actually working or not. The important thing was that people would believe they did at least for a certain amount of time when it had been vital to keep the outcome secret. It had a tremandous impact.
Ensued what will be remembered as the summer of peace where lot of wars stopped quite magically and thus some resumed, shortly after in 91 we saw the fall of the iron curtain that was an incredibly fast and unbelievable process. And now you've got Obama as president that even got his law on health care through. As we see, nearly all the remaining conflicts are justified by religious matters so it's a fact that the religious button is the one that has to be flattened on the fourth dynamic and its why Scientology got attacked from this angle with the secret takeover from CST this supposed Church of Spiritual Technology run by IRS agents probably controlled by the CIA. Have you red Mission Earth?
To my understanding the real Golden Age as prophetised in almost every ancient lores and creeds had started at that very point and we in 1988 really entered a new era of spiritual realisation as a whole and free scientologists that I call OT of level X definitely have a leading role to play in this.
Spiritual realm is operated through postulates.
Here is what I discovered :
A being is basically free. This is known as the native state. When one gets in contact with that basic state, one has reached the state of Clear. Concieve mind essence as Buddha stated it. So appart from the wording used by LRH the concept is not an invention of Dianetics or Scientology.
The point is that we all are engaged in the game called life and through this ongoing process we tend to trap ourselves in lot of complexities that make us become unaware of who we really are and the original postulate doesn't stick. To this exctent we get intoxicated and per the law of as-isness one has to find out what is intoxicating him in order to undue its effect.
So for a person to regain the native state one has to realise what is the Intoxification he is in. By doing so one engage in the process of desintoxification up to a point where he steps out free from it and become detoxed or out-toxed and thus free again.
But one is engaged in the game of life and thus in contact with other beings who are still in-toxed or if not hatted on how to operate will get intoxicated again by screwing up the game. That's why LRH stated that the state of Clear isn't stable. So one has to master the law of games and need the know how to play them not to fall again as we deed in the past.
This is where what LRH called an OT or Operational Thetan comes into the picture. This isn't an awerness sate about self as one can't clear a Clear. That would be like cleaning a clean. It is an operative state. The more you get involed with the ability to remain exterior the more you are aware of what's going on and able to maintain your true self while playing the game of life.
So one is OT to the extent he can play and make the game worthwhile not only for him but to his fellow or team players as well. But what game is worth playing when you look around and see that others do suffer of crazy games they are engaged in and fuck up yours. That's why one need to take full responsability for all efforts and counter efforts and so on.
So there are the ultimate laws:
INTOX is the law of transmutation back to the native state.
As if one runs "Who or what is intoxicating me" one will come out of it as Clear or purely self.
So we've got this definition here that got revealed to me in French as an OT is translated by Thétan Opérant.
So it goes : TOX = Thétan Opérant de niveau X (OT of level X)
And one is really OT when X = 8 meaning Clear on the 8 dynamics where the truth are getting always revealed. And there's nothing esotherical about this concept. This is what is called being in PT and able to percieve what there is as it is. It's the same than the Tao. What is is and there is no more to it or other truth to be revealed than what you know or consider as true while you're considering and knowing. The whole difficulty is that there are lots of things that we don't know about that are affecting us and though it becomes confusing sometimes. But we wanted it this way or we wouldn't have had games to play.
Believe it or not but this INTOX law got revealed to me in 1987 just before I discovered Scientology. I knew nothing about it at that time.
The original law of transmutation that I had called INTOX and that I represented with a double cross and a circle that I conceived as the symbol of the universal potential was this one :
When you apply to whatever element that law you get a change in that element.
So if you name that element A you would have A INTOX = B
It's only when few months later I found out about the concept of OT that I could articulate the entire thing.
And in 1988 I founded in France an association called Infinitox which pupose is the realisation of the universal potential symbolised by a circled eight pointed star and I did this after less than a year I had discovered Scientology.
Within its status this association has 8 articles. The last one is that this association cannot be terminated by anyone at anytime and thus we had entered the INFINITOX.
How I first discovered 4 years before that the INTOX symbol meaning this circled 8 pointed star is another story and I will reveal it another time.
Well thanks Veda for having giving me the opportunity to explain a bit where I'm coming from. Hope you enjoyed the reading.
Nouvelles du front au Celebrity Centre de Paris de l'église de Scientologie !!!
Showcase at CCParis Scoop !!!
Voici un scoop : J’ai reçu sur facebook une invit de la scène ouverte Showcase que j’ai acceptée comme ami et s’est avérée en fait être le Centre de Célébrité de Paris. Voici notre échange épistolaire qui s’en est suivit :
Trendy et Sceneouverte Showcase sont maintenant amis. · Commenter · J’aime
Jb Trendy: Qui m'a invité ici? Savez-vous qui je suis? Je pensais que c'était le Showcase pont Alexandre3 où j'aime prendre un verre et danser à l'occasion. Mais c'est le Celebrity Centre de l'Eglise de Scientologie. My God have mercy on me. Jbtrendy
Hier, à 17:23 ·
Sceneouverte Showcase 24 avril, à 23:49
hé oui le celebrity centre de l' eglise de scientologie organise aussi des supers showcases.
Et je vois que parmi vos amis sur facebook vous avez aussi de nombreux scientologues.
Jb Trendy 25 avril, à 02:45
Stop the bullshit. Qui es-tu et quel est ton poste? Manifestement tu ne sais pas qui je suis sinon tu ne me parlerais pas d'une façon aussi niaise et naïve. J'ai aussi beaucoup d'ex scientologues et non des moindres parmi mes amis et au nom de Ron je te demande de bien surveiller les escrocs en bande organisée que tu soutiens manifestement. Le règne de Miscavidge touche à sa fin. Il est encore temps pour toi de rallier la réforme.
Depuis plus de nouvelles et ils m’ont radié de leur liste d’amis.
à suivre un débrief d'un meeting impromptu que j'ai eu la semaine passée avec André Jemmad l'actuel Chaplain du CCP lors d'un vernissage d'expo...
jblm 23 1 12
samedi 21 janvier 2012
vendredi 20 janvier 2012
L'Épopéepop des Performer2Panâme !!! • samedi 21 janvier, à 20:00 Ô Damel 84 rue de Ménilmontant Paris 20ème M° Jourdain ou Ménilmontant. Florilège de Chansons originales ou reprises par jbtrendy, Paka, Claude Narcys & Didier EngelVee + Guests. Entrée Libre Paf ô Chapeau - etoileprod@live.fr
mercredi 18 janvier 2012
Message publié sur le Facebook de Mylène Farmer !!!
Pour le retrouver venez lundi soir ô Cabaret Populaire 103 rue Julien Lacroix à Belleville. Bien à vous, Trendix !!!
samedi 14 janvier 2012
jeudi 12 janvier 2012
Music in U (Bridge)
François j'y crois !!!.2
De : Jean-Baptiste Trendy <jbtrendy1@gmail.com>
Date : 13 janvier 2012 01:34
Objet : Re: Rencontrez François Bayrou, le 19 janvier à Dunkerque.
Merci pour l'invit et Viva la campagne de François!!!
Pour ma part je me préoccupe de Corine Lepage que je nommerai première Ministre car elle connaît les dossiers comme personne et a des idées pragmatiques pour faire évoluer et muter la société dans le 22ème siècle de développement durable.
Je suis déçu de voir qu'elle en veut tant à François déçue qu'elle est de n'avoir pas pu faire en sorte que le Modem soit un parti de développement durable. Ou devrais-je dire : Est-ce là un aveu d'échec?
Mais gardons-nous de la vindicte des personnes se sentant bafouées. Une manoeuvre diplomatique de conciliation me semble prioritaire.
Bien à vous et à toi Président François
jean-Baptiste Lockhart Michaut
Le 12 janvier 2012 21:59, Équipe de François Bayrou <campagne@volontaires.bayrou.fr>
David Bowie - Heroes (Live) - Heathen Tour
lundi 9 janvier 2012
jbTrendy1 Pilot !!!
Ma disponibilité… |
Appel téléphonique | ||
jérémie arnold | ||
lesperformers | ||
rouge rouge | ||
Alex macaq | ||
allameite | ||
cult.rp | ||
Etoileprod | ||
etoileprog | ||
etoileprog | ||
Jean-Baptiste Trendy |
Pourquoi cette annonce ? Comique -70% - www.GROUPON.fr/Spectacles - One man show, théâtre, humoristes Jusqu´à 70% de réduction à la clé. |
jbTrendy & SingerSlam | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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